These conditions are consistent part of the Charter-contract and are certified by signatures
The charteree quarantees that the Yachts shall be available at the arranged time and in good condition.
The yacht shall be given at charteter’s  disposal with full fuel and water tanks. The inventory list shall be signed by both parties. If the charteree is not able to get ready the yacht from the charter contract, he has a right to give to the charterer a yacht of the same number of seats and beds, without any claims on payment. If the charteree is not able to give to the charterer another yacht in 24 hours, the charterer can give up the contract, and shall get the whole sum paid for charterer back.
The yacht is insured against damages from the third parties, and it also has kasko insurance of the yacht and equipment. The crew and personal belongings of the charterer are not covered by the insurance.
The charterer (quest) certifies with his signature to take care of the yacht and navigate it carefully and according to the rules of a good navigator. He shall navigate within the border sailing area: (Croatian coast). The yacht shall not be given or rented to any third party and he shall return it as it has been arranged by this Charter contract. On the contrary the charterer shall pay for all the damages caused himself. Damages on the engine and sails, equipment damages or loss, caused personally, shall be paid from the deposit. If there is a damage which happened during the sailing, the charterer is obliged to inform the charteree immediately,report the case to the harbour headquarters and write down a suitable report for the insurance purposes. On the contrary, the charterer has to pay all the costs himself. If there are no damages on the yacht and the inventory the deposit shall be returned.
The charterer is obliged to return the yacht roughly cleaned and tidy, without the crew and their personal luggage at least until the date and time specified by this Charter contract including the physical take-over lasting for an hour. Therefore, it is recommended to return the yacht in the marina the night before the Charter-contract termination date.
If the returning of the yacht is later then stated in this Charter-contract, the charterer has following costs, which can be paid directly for from the deposit:
_        for the delay of 4 hours 10% of the weeks payment
_        for the delay of 10 hours, the charterer has to pay 20% of the weeks payment
_        for the delay of more then 10 hours and for every new day of the delay, the charterer has to pay 30% of whole
The charterer is obliged to return the yacht with full water and diesel tanks.
If the charter contract is terminated 4 weeks before the charter at the latest, and if charteree finds another charterer, he shall be paid to the quest 50% of the agreed deposit.If the quest finds another charterer himself, the accepted deposit shall be paid back even after this deadline in full. On the contrary, if the quest is not able to find another charterer and if charteree does so or not after the deadline of 4 weeks, the accepted deposit shall not be paid back. If the cancellation is due to objective reasons (death of a family member, heavy injury, war or other) the accepted deposit shall not be paid back, but the charteree shall give the yacht to the charterer at his disposal for another free period of time or within another season.
All agreements and changes should be done in writing and agreed upon by both parties. All issues in question shall be solved by peaceful agreement, and eventual unsolved cases which can not be solved peacefully, shall be under court’s jurisdiction in the charteree’s residence.
This charter contract has been made in two indentical copies, one for each charter party.           
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